About Us
Many hours have been placed into creating and sourcing high-quality Surf, Snow, & other similar items & accessories.
There is a vast range of items for you to hopefully enjoy, (ready to ship to you, if you like and wish to enjoy such things).
Surf Snow Multiverse (SSM) Mission:
As lovers of Surf, Snow Threads & other similar styles and things, we realized we wished to compliment and/ or ascend to other new levels, (in comparison to other stores that sell quality Surf and Snow related items & accessories/ products).
Our hope is for a better future for all (supporting various forms of consistent and sustainable ways of being and planet developments etc). We will be contributing a proportion of the accumulated funds, developed over time (from this space), into non-profit organization/s &/or Charities (supporting, uplifting and contributing towards a consistent and sustainable world and/ or a hope for a better future for all*)... to "compliment and walk our talk", so to speak.
Surf Snow Multiverse (SSM) was created in the hope of supporting a better future for all and to offer something to increase the fun and happiness of others enjoying the Surf and Snow. We have made it our mission to provide all of our customers with the following:
- A range of the highest quality Surf and Snow products.
- A focus on innovative products that are not available in brick-and-mortar stores.
- Customer centric support that is fast, friendly and efficient.
- Respectable prices (complimenting the quality).
Why Choose Surf Snow Multiverse (SSM)?
Whilst you are here...you will see and experience a glimpse of the Surf Snow Multiverse (SSM) vibe and ways of being. We are focused on finding unique products that you won’t find at your local store. One of our most popular products, Unisex Hoodies is a fantastic example of this! From Male Hoodies to Female Hoodies to Kids Hoodies, we have you covered!
But innovative products isn’t just all: We strive to combine extremely low prices with fantastic customer service. We have slashed the prices on products as low as we can, ensuring you get a fantastic deal - while offering fast, efficient and friendly help! If you have any questions, please just contact us today and one of our team members will reply to you ASAP.
Enjoy and support through your experience the Surf Snow Multiverse (SSM) vibe....